Rabu, 23 September 2009

with kevin

todaaay, I can only a smile. why? because in a holiday with kevin hihi. currently the most awaited, I can hangout with kevin WOW it's a amazing to me (lebay) oh nooo i'm serious! i need you vin to always be beside me. but I know, you must a study in a boarding school, and I attention to it. aaaaaaaah i love love love you vin forevermore morethan you know and I will always love you deh vin wikikiki-.-
22 September 28 September 1 Oktober
hang out with kevin is very fun (pokoknya bener bener ngerasain sama kamu tuh setelah menunggu lama vin hihi) butttttt..I can't always with you:'(
may be I can't far for you vin, I need you in here! sabtu kamu udah balik ke Albayan, hati hati yaa..:(

Selasa, 15 September 2009

Now! things have changed. I'd love for you wasn't large enough to sustain them. I was a woman aged 14 years, and 10 years for mental age (your think). I'm not an adult is that you might expect. but I have the strength to love you more. forces that come without my knowing it, I love you more than you know. I too hope in you, but it didn't. This is make me feel sadness. now, I'm not the status is "pacaran", we just have a good relationship. but that makes me feel confused, when you say "kita nggak pacaran kan? tapi aku nggak mau kamu dimiliki orang lain selain aku". WHAT? I'm not understand vin..
although the later you leave me, I can only say, "you're always in a special place in my heart". hihihihi (gombal-.-)
walaupun sekarang kita nggak punya status yang jelas, aku masih tetep nunggu kamu viiiiiiiiiin. aku bakal nunggu kamu sesuai janji aku. ya jujur ya vin aku kecewa sama kamu dikit sih, ya aku kira kita bisa bertahan, tapi nyatanya? cuma mimpi aja kali yavin-..- maaf ya vin aku udah ngerusak semuanya,

Minggu, 13 September 2009

wait for you viiiiin..

waiting is difficult, I try to patiently wait for you, but after you get back everything changes become very difficult.

Jumat, 11 September 2009

I could only see you in my dreams. to me you're not is something real and I can't have you. even so you was the best in my life and dream. huuuuuuuuu~ I think you can be whatever I want, but it didn't. you are the best but not for me. I love you more...... aaaaaa I need you NOW! but.. I know you can't real to me, so I only imagine-.- idunno what you think about me, i feel sadness now because of yooooou!

Kamis, 10 September 2009

I hope everything back like before